Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Eyes wide shut

One of the most cowardly things ordinary people do is to shut their eyes to facts.

These are times where the "facts" are an alternative to truth.  When people are trained to disbelieve their senses for the sake of conscious convenience, they willingly embrace a cowardice that leads to destruction.  Life and liberty, concern and compassion, faith and fearlessness; all are cast upon the fire of fearful ignorance.  Steadfast refusals to admit a mistaken belief would seem ludicrous and laughable if they didn't involve a death sentence; individuals and families are torn asunder over the inability to concede that a mistaken course of actions has led to the termination of life. 

Trusting in magic potions and spells for protection may provide momentary comfort, but the reality of death brings "a peculiar clarity" to the most hardened believer.  Unfortunately, there will alway be those that pander to cowardice, mouthing platitudes about "freedom" and "independence " of thought, while stoking irrational fears into a conflagration of gutless hatred.  Painful as it may be, critical thinking skills must be deployed to learn the truth; parsing out the facts and acting accordingly is the kind of courage most needed now.

The task of ordinary people undertaking these deeds is nothing less that heroic; those with eyes wide shut to the facts embrace the most abysmal cowardice.

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