The fearful are often holders of the most dangerous power. They become demoniac when they see the workings of all the life around them. Seeing the strengths as well as the weaknesses, they fasten only on the weaknesses.
Frank Herbert
The inability to face change and accept it as a natural progression of life breeds a fear founded upon ignorance that disables courage and engenders hate. This pit of dread and destruction swallows not only those who spawn it, but threatens to devour those within reach of the afflicted. To focus blindly upon only weakness denies the strength also present, and threatens to raze the entire structure of creativity.
Creation depends upon the ability to build together; pooling resources to achieve something that didn't previously exist. It relies on an acknowledgment that individuals produce better together; a trust that valuing the contribution of others leads to greater deeds. Fear casts out trust; it seperates and isolates in a way that precludes cooperation. This weakens community, and strengthens suspicious belligerence- a recipe for ruin.
Digging the pit of fear ensnares not only others, but ourselves. Once full, such a pit becomes a trap which hinders both hope and happiness; where despair seems inescapable.
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