Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Distilled Shades of Desire

Nostalgia represents an interesting illusion. Through nostalgia, humans wish for things that never were. The positive memory is the one that sticks. Over several generations, the positive memory tends to weed out more and more of what really existed, refining down to a distillation of haunted desires.

Frank Herbert

Nostalgia remains one of the most intoxicating spirits.  Readily available and addictive,  it distorts memory as it besots reason and perception.  The false recollections about the past distort the present, and taint notions of the future.  Desire crowds out reality, and delivers a contorted sensibility which easily disfigures truth.  Worse, it motivates individuals towards creating an existence based on illusion; and fuels fury when the recreation fails to live up to the dream.  

Phantom cravings create ghosts of paradise pasts; spectral images that bedevil the dark corners of human minds.  These dismal spirits frighten away reason and compassion; drowning hope and happiness in bitter dregs of haunted desires.

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