Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Turning truth to falsehood

The most dangerous thing you can do is to take any one impulse of your own nature and set it up as the thing you ought to follow at all costs.

Take one truth and follow it to the exclusion of all else- the truth becomes a falsehood, and the follower a fanatic.

A single minded worldview is more than just limiting, it is an invitation to self deception.   The misconception that one particular fact, no matter how compelling, explains a complex situation leads to mendacity; no matter how earnest one may be in the pursuit of truth.  

Tunnel vision encourages a single minded track of thought; a course that invites haste and ignores alternative routes of travel.  Once set in motion, the headlong rush becomes inexorable; any delay or contemplation seems injudicious, if not malevolent in nature.  
Dissension invokes fear and anger, prompting attacks against any who would call for prudence, and leading to a rejection of temperance.  

The single truth, bereft of all context, becomes at first distorted, and finally a falsehood; obscuring clear sighted vision and leading its followers blindly into a fanatical pursuit of a phantom reality.

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