Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The time of Daze

One of the incessant siren songs of my current existence calls out to me from my phone.  Whenever I have a moment to spare, all I need do is power up and unlock the device to receive small jolts of satisfaction.  Timesuck does not do this justice, for I can spend an inordinate amount of time doing little, and achieving next to nothing.  This seems to be indicative of my current reality; the power to do much, and the use of it to do trivia.  All for the greater glory of profit generation; incoherent actions are the order of the day.  Sometimes it feels as if this is an antidote to the toxic waste intravenously feed into my mind by my corporate overlords; other times, it is just a different flavor of poison.  One nasty taste obscures another; one kind of filth blots out something slightly more putrid.

The stench of the abattoir pervades the waking hours; to obliterate such smell requires compounds odiferous to the point of stupefaction- like cutting off my nose to prevent the reek from impaling my brain.  Time for an operating system upgrade?