Saturday, April 30, 2022

Principle freedom/free from principles

When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.

Frank Herbert

Whenever the talk turns to freedom, the principle behind the discourse tends to be hidden, for too often those shouting loudest for "freedom" are actually clamoring for power. Freedom to act without facing  consequences, especially when harming others, isn't the practice of a cherished virtue; it is an act of unbridled selfishness.  To insist upon such a right without accepting the responsibilities inherent in such a demand displays a contempt for the social contract between adults in a civil society.  

The just exercise of power rests upon responsible decisions made in the best interests of the whole community; not upon the rapacious desires of a select minority.  Limiting the rights of others to satisfy a craving for situational domination leads not to liberty, but to a subjugation of moral principles to ephemeral lusts.  

Rationalizing exploitation by invoking the principle of freedom reveals not a longing for liberty, but a covetousness for control.

In this vein, the pursuit of the principle of "freedom" leads to a freedom from principles.

Friday, April 29, 2022

Rebranding Bigotry

 The problem with hateful bigotry? No matter how cherished, the stench of such a vice can't be hidden.  Thus, whenever the realization dawns that a certain mindset reeks of this corruption, it must be obscured by rebranding to prevent piercing the bubble of willful ignorance.  

Harboring hate is problematic; especially when its patron wishes to profess allegiance to the virtues of love and acceptance.  Somehow, the loathing felt must be transmuted into an expression of concern and caring; a method is required to contort vile weakness to an acceptable, even admirable display.  

Thus, opposing hateful bigotry is branded as "politically correct", "virtue signaling" and "woke"; each phrase used until its nebulously defined term of contempt loses potency.  The function remains the same- denigrating compassion and open mindedness, and sanctifying prejudice.  

Pandering to willful ignorance and moral cowardice may be profitable, but it does require a talent for dissimulation and a lack of integrity.  Rebranding bigotry remains a tainted stigma; no matter how prettily the phrase is turned.