Sunday, June 28, 2020

The spawn of Smaug

There is a place that worships all the dragon attributes- greed, power, sloth, vanity and cruelty.  It is not so much a place in space or time; rather it is a place within one's self.  The fear and cowardice hidden beneath hatred and rage; the core of selfishness that seeks only to rule.  Rule others, rule situations, rule the material world through pain and violence; this desire for control over others overshadows the lack of self control needed to rule oneself.

 Not so much a desire to possess, but a desire to prevent others from possessing; this dragon mindset hordes the status quo like mountain of treasure.  The current situation may be at times uncomfortable as a bed of stolen gold, and of little use to further any happiness, but let the slightest bit of privilege find another's hand; and the wrath of the great worm explodes in a fiery spew.

Those that would adhere to such a set of values are the true spawn of Smaug; the secret of such reproduction lies not in an entwining of two entities, but in the foul parthenogenesis from a creature unwilling to share anything but hate; unable to give anything but pain.

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